10 Facts From The B2B Barometer Survey

The Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM) and Association of B2B Agencies (ABBA), business-to-business research specialist Circle Research has pioneered the definitive state of the nation study for B2B marketers – the B2B Barometer survey.

The B2B Barometer explores the budgets, priorities and behaviours of client-side marketers collectively controlling budgets in excess of £29.1 million and B2B agencies with annual revenues of £575 million.

Findings from 128 interviews with B2B marketing professionals conducted in April 2012 include:

  1. Trade shows are the largest client-side marketers’ budgets in the next 12 months with 15% share.

  1. Five  channels  –  trade  shows, direct mail, email, website development and print – will take 56% of overall client-side marketers’  budgets with digital channels expected to take 31%  of  budgets and 22% for face-to-face.

  1. Client-side marketers’ primary marketing goals for the next 12-months are almost exclusively about generating demand

  1. Lead  generation and lead nurturing are the most  important  marketing  priorities  when  using  content marketing for generating  demand.

  1. 86% of B2B client-side marketers use content in at least some of their marketing activity.

  1. White papers and case studies are the most frequently used content types.

  1. Video is seen as one of the most effective content types.

  1. Client-side marketers distribute their content withe events, website and email marketing.

  1. Supporting brand positioning and boosting SEO are among the goals that B2B marketers hope to achieve.

  1. 80%  of  B2B  industry  respondents  interviewed expressed their confidence in  their  organisation’s  outlook  for the next 12 months with 63% of agencies reported more enquiries in the past six months.

Source: The B2B Barometer® and Circle Research